Articles on: Publishers

Dynamic Ad Unit Insertion and Displaying Different Ads Based on the User's Device

You can use this guide if you have two ad units of different sizes and want to display a specific banner based on your visitors' screen size.

Please note that the range for desktop screens is 1920-429 pixels, while for mobile screens, it is 428-0 pixels. For example, let’s implement two ad units: one for desktop devices (size 728x90) and another for mobile devices (size 300x250).

Firstly, you need to create ad units. If you haven't done it yet, you may follow the steps in our Helpdesk article

If you want to display only one of the ad units on mobile devices, you need to change the Screen Type to "Mobile" in the ad unit settings. To do this, navigate to the ad unit page, click "Edit," and then change the Screen Type.

After that, you need to insert a div block with the class "banner-iframe-selector" into your HTML, which will contain the ad units:

<div class="banner-iframe-selector">
    <div class="banner-iframe" data-src="" data-max-width="467"></div>
    <div class="banner-iframe" data-src=""></div>

Finally, you should insert the script that will display the ad based on the user's screen size:

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
        const addIframe = (src, width, height, aa) => {
            const iframe = Object.assign(document.createElement('iframe'), {
                src, width, height, frameBorder: 0
            iframe.setAttribute('data-aa', aa);
            return iframe;

        const updateBanner = () => {
            const bannerDivs = document.querySelectorAll('.banner-iframe-selector .banner-iframe');
            bannerDivs.forEach(div => = 'none');

            for (const div of bannerDivs) {
                const maxWidth = parseInt(div.getAttribute('data-max-width'));
                const src = div.getAttribute('data-src');
                const aaMatch = src?.match(/\/(\d+)\?/), sizeMatch = src?.match(/size=(\d+)x(\d+)/);

                if (aaMatch && sizeMatch && (window.innerWidth <= maxWidth || !maxWidth)) {
                    const [_, aa] = aaMatch, [__, width, height] = sizeMatch;
                    div.innerHTML = '';
                    div.appendChild(addIframe(src, width, height, aa));
           = 'block';

        window.addEventListener('resize', updateBanner);


Done! Now you can test it on different devices!

Updated on: 08/10/2024

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