Articles on: Advertisers

Banner Ads Display

You can opt to show only banner ads. To do this, simply follow these steps:

Go to your campaign page and check the "Show banners only" option:

Before enabling this option, ensure you have uploaded as many banner sizes as possible.

We accept the following banner sizes:
Small Banners: 120x60, 125x125, 200x200, 250x250;
Medium to Large Banners: 160x600, 240x400, 300x250, 300x600, 336x280;
Wide Banners: 320x50, 320x100, 468x60, 728x90, 970x90, 970x250.

We accept graphic files in the following formats: PNG, JPEG and GIF.
Each file must be under 700 kB to ensure quick loading and a smooth user experience.

Important Points to Consider:
- Traffic Impact: Enabling the "Show banners only" option will disable all adaptive ad units, this may reduce the amount of traffic your campaign receives.

- Banner vs. Text Ads: If you have both a banner and a text ad for a specific ad unit size, the banner will be shown by default. If you already have most banner sizes uploaded, you may not need to activate the "Show banners only" option.

- Performance Check: Once you enable the option, visit your Campaign -> Payment Model page to check your estimated daily performance. Keep in mind that traffic will decrease, and your campaign’s efficiency might be impacted. Use this feature with caution:

Updated on: 22/01/2025

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